Check in

Hey, so you’re on the website? Wow, that’s pretty novel, it’s all Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and Snapchat these days, at least according to the kids. I can’t really get my head around Tik Tok or Snapchat, so don’t expect much from me there, Twitter too, I just go on there and get annoyed by politicians mainly. Instagram is good though, I mean the ads these days are a bummer, and you can’t really check anything out without someone shoving sales down your throat. Well, I’m glad you’re here, I used to update these things quite a bit, but it’s been a while I think, just up at my cabin and thought I’d take a bit of time and update a few things here and there. It’s December 9th, so our Egg-Vent calendar is in full effect over on the old Gram. Worth a look if you’re into egg shaped skateboards at all.

So what else is new? Well, I’m chipping away at some video stuff while I’m here, there’s a couple of things I’m working on at the moment. More news soon, but I’m very happy with how they’re going. Had a setback the other week when my desktop computer died and I had to get a new hard drive, I lost 9 years worth of stuff. Of course it wasn’t backed up, don’t be ridiculous. Ha ha. So I’ve really been dealing with the aftermath of that and trying to catch up on a few projects.

Heroin Spring is looking good and being made now, that launches in February. I’m finishing up Summer now and I’m really stoked on it so far. Anyway, that was it really, check the Egg-vent calendar on instagram, keep an eye out for video news, and look after yourselves. We live in weird times.